Welcome to the project page for SafeGuard 2: Electric Boogaloo

The long awaited reboot/sequel is finally here. Finally, an anti-cheat plugin that is centered around reduction of illegal gameplay while still being considerate of maintaining vanilla gameplay. What does that mean? We, much like you, hate false positives. So we'll do our darndest to keep the rascals out.

Development Gameplan

Get a stable Alpha out

By that, I mean map out the framework for the plugin, and get a working example out, complete with bare-bones checks that are considered highest in priorities in terms of a security standpoint.

Combat Feature Creep

While I will fix issues and add in new features, I won't go out of my way to add in 1x10^45 different things. I'll work in fixes for the most commonly used "hacks", and make those as rock solid as possible.

Move to Beta

Woot! Now it's time to start adding those teeny tiny patches in. Don't want players using AutoFish? Now's the time and place I'll be fixing it. Ahh, isn't Beta so sweet? (Maybe I'll even work on an API for people to add their own patches in; wouldn't that be fun?)


By this point in time the plugin should be at a mature stage. As Minecraft and Bukkit grow and evolve, I'll constantly be updating it to keep current, and will routinely go in and patch all of the latest crazes of bypasses and hacks. This point is an indeterminate amount of time away; depending on my life/popularity/need for/of the plugin, it may never see the light of a true release. I am hopeful though.

Now, how can I participate in the development of SG2? Here's how!

  • Download and install the plugin
  • Report any issues to the reports page over at BukkitDev, or go to https://github.com/m1enkrafftman/SafeGuard2/issues and create a new issue report. I'll get to it in order of development priorities and do my best to fix it.
  • Enjoy the fruits of my labor. Seriously. I do this out of the good of my heart, and I hope you like it.

Want to follow along in the development process?

The GitHub page is located here.

Current Feature List

Name Description
Movement Speed Disables people from using any speed-based movement hacks. (SuperSprint, Blink, Timer, etc)
Movement Flight Disables people from using Flying
Movement Waterwalk Disables people from walking on water, or moving too fast in it.
Movement Vertical Disables people from using Fastladder (step check coming soon)
Block Speed Disables people from using Fastplace. (Fastbreak check coming soon)
Block Reach Disables people from using reach hacks when placing/breaking blocks.
Combat SelfHit Disables people from hitting themselves.
Combat Speed Disables people from attacking too quickly
Combat PostMortem Disables people from attacking while dead


Contacting me about anything else

Feel free to PM me on BukkitDev; I'll respond as soon as I can.